Saturday, December 24, 2011

"Root Cause Analysis" of the World's Current Problems by Mark Steyn

Read today's Mark Steyn column for a take on the West's real problem!  Very interesting perspective, and one I agree with whole heartedly!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

How the left MSM taints our process for 2012

Read this article from Investor's Business Daily on a meeting this Monday at the White House between BHO and the lefty MSM setting up talking points for the 2012 race.

This is how they will operate.  The MSM is not a news gathering industry, it is a left support industry, and at this time is not ashamed to admit it.  They should be ashamed!

Or do you think that is proper activity for the Fourth Estate?

Monday, December 19, 2011

COLLEGE - the next bubble

"One of the oldest economic maxims, 'if you subsidize something, you get more of it' has created the next trillion dollar-plus bubble for which American taxpayers will be on the hook. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education discovered that published college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007, while median family income rose 147 percent. What is driving those costs? The idea that every high school graduate should attend college, and that government -- meaning taxpayers -- will guarantee loans made to those students. ... [A]s college tuition costs increase, the government makes more funding available to students to pay for them. The more funding available -- guaranteed by the taxpayers, so that colleges never face the possibility of a loan default -- the more they can raise their tuition costs without ever having to worry about getting stiffed. ... If college tuition, aided and abetted by government subsidies, continues to almost triple relative to family income, at some point the amount of debt incurred to obtain a college degree will surpass the additional income one may derive from it. Considering that any attempt to reign in government's role in facilitating these runaway costs is inevitably characterized as 'depriving needy students of critically needed funds,' the trend is likely to continue. Or at least it will until the bubble pops, exactly like the government-abetted housing bubble did. Are Americans ready for another trillion dollar bailout precipitated by irresponsible government?" --columnist Arnold Ahlert (my emphasis)

Mr. Ahlert sees clearly the problem of Government subsidies.  We had all better start listening!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Two articles that will help you understand the "Green" Scam

Marita Noon explains how Europe is leading up the "Green" movement for very selfish reasons having nothing to do with our planet, but with their potential salvation on the rest of the worlds backs!  read about it here.


Amy Oliver explains how the "Green" movement is polluting the planet, not saving it.  Can you say: "Unintended Consequences"?  Read about it here.

It is important to understand the actual motivations of the greenies and their effect on our planet.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Workplace Violence?

Fort Hood Massacre was Workplace Violence?

A very sad commentary on the current Administration!  Think about this when you go to vote!

Great Krugman Analysis

You might need a bit of economics background to full appreciate the five pics of Paul Krugman, but they are right on!!


Or do you think they are biased?

If you believe this.....

I have a bridge in Manhattan I would like to sell you!

December 7th Japanese lunch for Obama's kids!

Thankfully, only 14 more months of this!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Think about this!

"Joanne Rowling was a welfare mother in Edinburgh, Scotland. All that has changed. As the writer of the 'Harry Potter' novels, having a net worth of $1 billion, she is the world's wealthiest author. ... How did Rowling become so wealthy and unequal to the rest of us? The entire blame for this social injustice lies at the feet of the world's children and their enabling parents. ... [T]he millions of '99-percenters' who individually plunk down $8 or $9 to attend a 'Harry Potter' movie, $15 to buy a 'Harry Potter' novel or $30 to buy a 'Harry Potter' Blu-ray Disc are directly responsible for contributing to income inequality and wealth concentration that economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman says 'is incompatible with real democracy.' ... We just can't blame the children for the unfairness of income inequality. Look at how Wal-Mart Stores generated wealth for the Walton family of Christy ($25 billion), Jim ($21 billion), Alice ($21 billion) and Robson ($21 billion). ... The blame for this unjust concentration of wealth rests with those hundreds of millions of shoppers worldwide who voluntarily enter Wal-Mart premises and leave dollars, pounds and pesos. ... In my opinion, my recently published book 'Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?' is far more important to society than any 'Harry Potter' novel. I'd like to know what it is about me that explains why millions upon millions have not purchased my book and made me a billionaire author. Maybe Krugman and the Wall Street occupiers have the answer." --economist Walter E. Williams

REMEMBER: the class warfare on the left is simply "jealousy" masked to further their agenda to aggregate power they cannot achieve on their own in a free market environment - and you may quote that original sentence if you like!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On Capital Punishment

Dennnis Prager analyzes the Oregon Governor's stance on not allowing capital punishment.

Read his analysis.  It contains the logic to use in a discussion with the opposition.


If you can read the following summary of CLIMATEGATE 2.0 emails and still believe in global warming, you have swallowed the koolaid!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Wind Farms are useless, says Duke"

At least there is one thinking, intelligent person in the UK Government/Royal Family!  Read the opinions of Prince Phillip on wind farms and their utility.

Having taken a couple of cross country drives over the last two years, I sympathise with him.  They are ugly and are simply another method to steal from public coffers by the politicians and their contributors.

Any opinion from you guys?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

$500,000 Pension for JoePa

You know my thoughts on our Governments at all levels, but this one boggles the mind:

Joe Paterno will get a pension from the State of Pennsylvania of $500,000 per year!!  If that doesn't upset you with our Governments, nothing will.  Read the article.  THINK ABOUT IT:  $500,000 per year in pension!!  We often don't comprehend the size of numbers any longer.

Let me put it this way: if he were working a 40 hour a week job that would be $240 per hour!!!

Or maybe you think that is appropriate due to all his great coaching?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the silliness never stops

I won't even comment on this article. But SILLY is certainly descriptive - and ignorant in my opinion!

What do you think?

Education in the U.S.: The Numbers

The National Center for Education Statistics shows on this graph how dollar expenditures per public school student - K through 12 - have increased from 1961-2 (the year after I graduated from 12!) to 2008.

3.7 times in current dollars.

An interesting question is how many more students were there in 2008?  I looked up the answer and there were apx. 35 million in 1960 and apx. 48 million in 2008 (I found numbers to be fairly difficult to find but believe these are correct).

That is 1.4 times as many students.

Therefore, total expenditures for public education have increased 5.18 times!  And as we see in Wisconsin, they want much more!

Todd earlier said perhaps technology is increasing these costs.  May have some impact but technology usually pays for itself through efficiency, etc.  So I don't think that is the answer.

Are you all happy with this kind of increase in expenditures?  Do you think it should be more?

"A Short Econ Quiz for the Super Committee"

Steven Landsburg tries to guide the Super Committee with a little "common economic sense"- explaining in a different way my views on Wealth Consuming and Wealth Producing.  Note the penultimate paragraph where he explains the Government can TAX (Wealth Consuming) or can "earn more income" (Wealth Production).

The former is a disastrous mistake in a weak economy!  And is abused in a strong one!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For Todd and Matt

Since you are both on a path to teaching I thought this article - "Public School Teachers are not Underpaid" - might be of interest to you.  Read and comment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chicago's Silliness on Display

Danny Solis, a Chicago alderman and representative of the Dem establishment in that wonderful city thinks fining Marijuana smokers $200 for a minor possession is the answer to Chicago's fiduciary problems.  And Rahm Emanuel is having it studied!

Just think:

Marijuana possession:  $200
Cocaine: $500
Meth:  $700
Heroin:  $1000
Rape:  $5000
Murder:  $10,000

and you don't have to pay to have any of them in JAIL!!

With a little intelligent thinking like this our financial problems are a thing of the past!  Do you agree?

The stupidity is mind boggling!

"The Stupidity of 'Buy American'"

John Stossel explains in a clear manner the real economic effects of "Buy American" which is used by the left to pander to unions.  The real effects are not positive.

Read the column carefully and you will see the left (and I should say that it is prevalent on the right to the Republican panderers also!) do not think clearly about secondary effects of their actions.

The most well known - and still not discussed - example of this is the banning of DDT in the 1960's - still not allowed today, that has caused MILLIONS of Africans to die over the last few decades.  Look it up on the web.  It is an interesting example of where dogooders will sometimes take you!

Remember Stossel is a Libertarian so always take his writing from this perspective.

Thomas Sowell: A Clear Thinker

"Democracy Versus Mob Rule" is a column that logically analyzes the Occupy Wall Street movement, exposing their "Sloppy words and sloppy thinking..." and the MSM's politically correct, but totally illogical reporting.

Read the column and let me know what you think!

Monday, October 10, 2011

2012 is VERY important!

If you don't believe me, read this article from the Daily Telegraph (London) about new EU rules that children cannot blow up balloons or use party whisles due to their "danger."  You have got to be kidding!!

This is where Obama and the left will take us.

Maybe you think this is a good rule?  I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bikes for Terre Haute!

When Sue and I were in London we saw a "Rent-a-Bike" kiosk and lots of bicycles where anyone can rent a bike with a credit card and ride  wherever and then return the bike.  I put a picture up on my TWITPIC site.

What do you guys think of that idea?  Lot's of cities are evidently doing this.  Would it be worth approaching the City of Terre Haute to see if there might be a need for this downtown or around the schools.  J's Bikes could support and maintain the stations for the city.  It would probably be profitable for you and the city.

What do you think?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

'Occupy Wall Street' - What are they?

Kathleen McKinley, a blogger I regularly read, tweeted with some of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters and writes a very interesting summary of her conversations - both the protesters side and her side (conservative!) which summarizes the misunderstanding of how our society operates and offers several suggestions to the protestors to affect their grievances.

I found her summary to be a concise summary of many of the 'facts' that are so often ignored.

Read it here and comment!

Friday, September 30, 2011

1 in 5 Oregonians Receive Food Stamps!

It is almost hard to believe!  And the State is PROUD of that fact!

Read here about the $5 million Oregon received for this ACCOMPLISHMENT!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Herman Cain - Next President?

Saturday Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida (an informal vote of Republican activists from around Florida) and has the pundits speculating about his possibilities in the competitive race.  One of his key plans is the "9-9-9" plan to restructure the Federal tax system.

This article from the Washington Times explains the system.  What do you think?

Effect on J's Bikes?  You guys would have to collect a 9% Federal Sales Tax on all sales and submit to the Feds - as you do with the Sales Tax you collect today.  Willing to do that for a new tax system?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


John Stossel offers his thoughts on a fix to our public school system - more charter schools and eventually a "really free and competitive system".  The numbers do not lie!

Stossel is basically a Libertarian which I tend to be at times, and sees problems with the current society very clearly.  A fun guy to follow (he has a lot of appearrances on Fox and I believe a show.  What do you think?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Security

For some reason I cannot "comment" on this blog! So this is a response to Todd's comment:

SS is a "ponzi scheme" today though I doubt the creators anticipated that this is what it would become - "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will You Have Social Security?

The most important question for you guys to ask your politicians is what are they going to do to allow Social Security to survive? You are paying 6% or so of your earnings each week into a scam that may not return anything to you upon retirement due to its inevitable collapse without major restructruring.
Charles Krauthammer explains what Social Security is and suggests how to approach the fixes.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

#1 The Welfare State: Too Many Takers--Not Enough Givers

Larry Elders wrote a column the day my new grandaughter was born - September 1 - which summarizes what I think will be her biggest problem in living successfully in our country. She will have to become a "giver", since "Too Many Takers..." are bankrupting our country!

He touches on several versions of "takers": French refugees in 1792, Hollywood, disaster relief, minimum wage laws, all good examples of the over reaching of our Government (interesting that this is not a new phenomena - 1792!!!).

From our discussions you know I believe we have too many "takers" (that is Wealth Consuming jobs) in the legitimate efforts of Government: federal employees, police, fireman, teachers, et al. This has come about in my opinion with bloated administrations and unions taking advantage of a non-profit, non-free market system which is not monitored by our politicians due to the built in desire for votes. It is a system that must fail in the long run unless we do something!

Here is the link to the article:

Read the article and comment if you like!


We seem to enjoy political discussions when I visit J's Bikes. I would like to share some of the thoughts I have and articles that I read which trigger those thoughts.
The idea is not to "convert" you to my view, but only to insure you see my perspective which I hope will help you define your political views. It is important that all adults, particularly ones at your stage of life, become familiar with the alternatives our country faces and participate in the political system. I hope you think about these articles and discussions we will have and let that form your political view and then express that as a voter. This has never been more important!
Responding to any thoughts or articles is very easy on this blog, so read, think and respond with thoughts or questions. It should be fun!