Monday, October 10, 2011

2012 is VERY important!

If you don't believe me, read this article from the Daily Telegraph (London) about new EU rules that children cannot blow up balloons or use party whisles due to their "danger."  You have got to be kidding!!

This is where Obama and the left will take us.

Maybe you think this is a good rule?  I'd be interested in your thoughts.


  1. Micro management is right! I guess take the fun away from the children now and save them the disappointment they are going to face when they become adults in this deteriorating world.

  2. You sound very cynical! Join the crowd!

    The thing that disturbs me is that society has lost the concept of RISK in all human activity. We drive cars in the U.S. and kill 45,000 annually. I guess we consider this acceptable because nobody complains.

    Yet we will put controls on blowing up ballons and blowing whistles because a few children may choke (the U.S. hasn't yet, but will if we follow the path of England). Don't get me wrong, I don't like the children choking, but there is RISK in every human activity.

    Answer: the do-gooders suffer if they stop the killing of the 45,000 on the highways - most of them drive! They don't suffer with balloon blowing and whistle blowing because they don't blow up balloons or blow whistles, so that is the thing to control.

    Watch the lefts activity and you will see a trend along these lines.

  3. The Occupy Wall Street movement is a good example of this. Why aren't they protesting in front of baseball and football stadiums over the money the players make - in most instances more than any wall street executive; or why not in Hollywood where stars are paid much, much more than the typical wall street executive.

    Answer: they like to watch sports while there is nothing to enjoy on Wall Street. And they like to watch movies, so that is not a problem.

    But we'll show those Wall Streeters!!

    It is a joke!

  4. Trying to blog from my phone!
